Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome Back!

Most of you have received your Chromebooks during registration and are ready to go. A few important pieces of information as we prepare to launch our second year using these devices:
  • Students who have not received Chromebooks, please check in with Elsa on Monday during lunch in the library. We will take down your name and issue you a Chromebook as soon as possible.
  • Just like last year we are struggling with a shortage of working chargers. More (and better!) chargers are on their way to us, so hang in there. If you have a friend or sibling, please share. Remember that the majority of the problems with chargers are caused by the plug being bent when inserted into the Chromebook. Plug yours in very carefully!
For help accessing your Google Drive, or if your Chromebook won't connect to the internet try to track down Emily. She is often in the library or walking around campus. 

Have a great year, Eagles!

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